Thursday, November 20, 2008

Terminalia Chebula

Botanical Name : Terminalia Chebula
Common Name : Myrobalan, Hardad, Chebulic Myrobalan
About Terminalia Chebula :
Native to the southern Asia, Terminalia Chebula is known as the evergreen tree which grows up to the height of 30 m tall, having 1m diameter trunk. It has the leaves which are oval in shape with 7-8 cm in length and are 4.5-10 cm broad. Terminalia chebula has the fruit which has the shape of drupe like and are 2-4.5 cm long and are 1.2-2.5 cm broad. Fruits of terminalia chebula are astringent and purgative in nature. It is proved to be useful for treating asthma, cough, piles. It is also used for healing the wounds and is more often used as the gargle against the mouth's inflammation of mucous membrane. Due to the distinct characteristics, terminalia chebula can be used in case of all types of eye disorders such as conjunctivitis, inflammation. In Hindu and Urdu languages, terminalia chebula is called by names of Hardad, Haritaki or Harada respectively.
Avail the list of Terminalia Chebula Suppliers through online directory of Indian Suppliers.
More information about the Terminalia Chebula :

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