Friday, August 1, 2008

Withania Somnifera

Botanical Name : Withania Somnifera
Common Name : Withania, Winter Cherry, Indian Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha
About Withania Somnifera : From the Solanaceae or nightshade family, Ashwagandha grows as a sturdy shrub which can touch the height of 170cm. In Sanskrit, Ashwagandha connotes with the 'horse's smell', due to the odor of its roots which smells like that of the sweaty horse. It has berry like fruit. Ashwagandha more commonly grows in the India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. It is mentioned as a rasayana herb in the Ayurveda also . Due to its exceptional quality it is being considered as a boon for the medical fraternity. The herb is used as an adaptogen, which functions for normalizing the physiological functions. Many studies have been conducted so far for analyzing the benefits of herb. It has been found very effective in decreasing stress level, inflammation and treating tumors also.

Avail the list of Withania Somnifera Suppliers through online directory of Indian Suppliers
More information about Ashwagandha :

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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